CypherBank is an NFT focused DAO / club (decentralized autonomous organization) on the new blockchain platform proоf-of-love (POL).

Proof of love platform gives new opportunities to the digital collectible movement providing gas-free transactions with high speed, easy onboarding, innovative blockchain mining experience, as well as lots of support for digital artists, creative people from any field.

CypherBank promotes the POL platform by giving grants to the artists, organizing events, discovering and sponsoring new projects and ideas in the emerging digital collectible market to be added to the platform.

What is a Valuable?
We give a new name to the very technical word NFT - which seems complicated to mass users.

Valuable - is a digital collectible that serves both as a value transmitter and a piece of art.

Valuables (NFTs) are unique and non-interchangeable digital assets created on the blockchain network, thus providing open proof of ownership and value.

CypherBank structure and governance
There are different types of membership in the DAO.
Membership in the DAO is guaranteed with the help of Valuemoji - it is a special Value (NFT) with a hardcoded smart contract allowing its owner to get benefits from the Cypherbank or POL proceeds.

The highest level of membership is represented by Hearts Valuemoji.
There are only 9 hearts, they are all disturbed among founders and early investors. Its cumulative value is approx 13.5 bln FSHN coins. This level of membership has voting rights as well as executive and financial rights in both CypherBank and POL.

Smiley valuemojis
There are different types of membership in the DAO.
Membership in the DAO is guaranteed with the help of Valuemoji - it is a special Value (NFT) with a hardcoded smart contract allowing its owner to get benefits from the Cypherbank or POL proceeds.

The highest level of membership is represented by Hearts Valuemoji.
There are only 9 hearts, they are all disturbed among founders and early investors. Its cumulative value is approx 13.5 bln FSHN coins. This level of membership has voting rights as well as executive and financial rights in both CypherBank and POL.

Rocket valuemojis
There are 1000 of this kind. The aggregate value is 10 bln FSHN coins.
These members have no voting rights but can expect proportional distribution from CypherBank and POL proceeds (2.5% fees generated by platform).

Recycling valuemojis - 10 000 pieces Income only from POL platform fees.

All profits from the Bank Activity will be distributed proportionally between valuemoji holders (valuemojers) to the respective wallet increasing the nominal value of the valuemoji.

First-year, starting from the launch of the platform POL, approx end of Q1, 2021 all the valuemojers will get 12% bonus which will be distributed monthly to their valuemoji nominal value.

There will never be more than this number of memberships in the CypherBank DAO.
9 + 88 + 1000 + 10 000

As POL is a new and innovative platform that will develop with time, we will use discord private channels for each respective valuemojers community to vote, discuss, propose for the benefit of each other.

All proceeds from the valuemoji sales will go to the Bank Vault which will serve as a store of all purchased valuables in the future.
All funds from the sale of Velmoji will be in the DAOCypherBank wallet.

You can book your valuemoji now by providing your cryptoname with the needed amount of FSHN coin in the wallet.

You can check exchanges where are we traded now.

Check out Fashion Coin

We have already wrapped the FSHN coin which serves as a bridge with the ethereum vibrant community, will have a special program for liquidity providers on dexes, please contact us if you want to contribute.

CypherBank office building in Decentraland metaverse:

What is DAO CypherBank?
Valuemoji holders Credentials
Preparing Proposals for voting
Voting for these proposals

Emoticons Smileys
Can prepare and vote for proposals

Can only prepare a Proposition with someone from Hearts or Emoticons and can vote

Hearts - Board of Directors and operations led by CypherQi

Recyclers - same as Rockets
Can only prepare a Proposition with someone from Hearts or Emoticons and can vote

You can have one Valuemoji from each of 4 DAO valuemoji categories in one wallet
Only Hearts and Emoticons have access to a private discord server where the discussion of the proposals takes place and the subtracted proposals are put up for voting in a separate channel if they have collected at least 20 percent of the votes.
Proposals of Hearts do not need approval - they immediately go to vote in the DAO
Each heart can block any proposal except another heart proposal.

In the Voting Channel, proposals become available to all Valuemojers DAOs.
The proposal is considered to be approved when 51 percent of the total DAO denomination is reached.

Questions / Proposal categories for voting
Issuing grants
POL financial rules
Internal communication and regulations for interactions between DAO participants
DAO development strategy in virtual and physical universes
Operational budgets

DAO CypherBank's capital is initially formed from the sales of Valuemoji
Planned income (approx)
Hearts - 13.5 billion FSHN coin (9 valuemojis)
Emoticons 10 billion FSHN coin (88 valuemojis)
Rockets 10 billion FSHN coin (1000 valuemojis)
Recyclers 10 billion FSHN coin (10000 valuemojis)

Total approx 40 billion FSHN coin
DAOcypherbank wallet is the vault with all the bank's funds.

DAO CypherBank Sources of income
Resale Percentage of Valuemoji (10%)
Income from POL (2.5% from every sale)
Income from grants with artists
Investing in other cryptocurrencies
Investing in NFTs of other blockchains
Sales of collateralized Valuemoji
Liquidity Income in Uniswap/Sushi/DEXes
DAO financial management - 2/3 Hearts signatures are required to make transactions from the DAO wallet
New types of Valuemoji
In the future, if the bank issues new types of Valuemoji, then all their privileges will be decided by the vote of the DAO

famous fashion designer Forbes 30 under 30
crypto enthusiast since 2017, media consultant, founder of LMG group.
technical leader, blockchain enthusiast since 2015, senior full-stack developer.
NFT enthusiast since 2017, 20 years of entrepreneur experience.
The team has strong A class connections in the fashion industry, planning to bring big names from fashion into the NFT space.
The project is self-funded.
March 2021 - alpha POL / new exchange listing
April 2021 - private beta POL / DEX liquidity pool
May 2021 - Public beta
June 2021 - official release

Market cap
1000 bln fashion coin - with today's market cap of …..
700 bln coins are reserved for mining rewards inside the POL platform
300 bln circulating supply